lunes, 25 de febrero de 2019

Importing product data into Shopify store

According to my recent experience (February 2019), importing product data into a Shopify store is not an easy task
We began with a csv file with product data with 46 columns and +10.000 rows, one line per product
Shopify has in its help site instruction on how to fulfill product data format in a csv file (another 46 header names (casually or not, the same quantity of columns as our original data set)
Then we:
1.    Mapped original file columns names to Shopify header names and values
2.    Created a procedure to move columns values from the original csv file to a new Shopify headers names accordly with step number 1 result
3.    Then we found that some product rows had multiple references to image files than we had to generate one new row per every additional image; resulting 19.099 additional rows for a total of 31.098
4.    Because of csv file restrictions we had to distribute resulting rows in files of not more than 15 Mb each one and not more than 2.500 products
5.    After each data upload file by file we received emails reporting a resume of products loaded, rejected and a numbered list of rows presenting some kind of validation errors than we must review and reprocessed after analyse and correct accordingly
I hope this note helps you to have a more complete idea of the process as a whole